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Career Prep

Career Prep provides opportunities for students to participate in a work-based learning experience that combines  classroom instruction with business and industry employment experiences and supports strong partnerships between schools and businesses in the community. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workforce. Career preparation is relevant, rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career success.

Students who are in the Career Prep course have one period of instruction related to attaining job skills and 1-2 periods for work release. If the students works a minimum of 10 hours per week, one work release period is provided. If the students works a minimum of 15 hours per week, two work release periods are provided. 

Students have the primary responsibility of attaining a job upon entry into the program. Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in a minimum of two full credits in Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses in the Program of Study area and have maintained a minimum grade of 85 in each of those courses. Students must also demonstrate good attendance and no disciplinary issues as prerequisites for the the program. All students must complete the Prerequisite Check Form for admission to the program: 

Practicum/Career Prep PreReq Form - Application.docx

Practicum Experiences

The Practicum course is a paid or unpaid capstone experience for students participating in a coherent sequence of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses in a Program of Study/Career Cluster area. Practicum experiences are designed to give students supervised practical application of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experiences such as employment, independent study, internships, mentorships, or shadowing.

Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in a minimum of two full credits in Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses in the Program of Study area and have maintained a minimum grade of 85 in each of those courses. Students must also demonstrate good attendance and no disciplinary issues as prerequisites for the the Practicum course. All students must complete the Prerequisite Check Form for admission to the program:

Practicum/Career Prep PreReq Form - Application.docx

Practicum in Health Science students must also download the Teacher Recommendation form required by the hospital and send to two (2) core teachers as part of the Prerequisite process. The core teachers will need to email the completed form to See link below:

HST Teacher Recommendation Form.docx

Practicum experiences are available in the following Programs of Study:

  • Accounting & Financial Services
  • Advanced Manufacturing & Machinery Mechanics (Robotics)
  • Animal Science
  • Applied Agricultural Engineering
  • Architectural Design
  • Automotive
  • Business Management
  • Carpentry
  • Culinary Arts
  • Cybersecurity
  • Design & Multimedia Arts
  • Digital Communications
  • Emergency Services
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Family & Community Services
  • Healthcare Diagnostics
  • Healthcare Therapeutic
  • Information Technology Support & Services
  • Law Enforcement
  • Nursing Science
  • Plant Science
  • Programming & Software Development
  • Teaching & Training
  • Web Development


Career Prep & Practicum Handbook

Please use the link to access the Career Prep & Practicum Handbook

2020-2021 Career Prep & Practicum Handbook


For questions about Career Prep or Practicum courses, please see Ms. Arledge (office in the Library) or email 


Our Mission

The mission of the Sulphur Springs Independent School District is to provide students with the skills that will prepare them to adapt and excel in a fast-changing world, enabling them to lead productive lives. The district shares with parents and the community the responsibility of promoting high standards and expectations as we provide opportunities for all students within our diverse community to attain personal growth and to become lifelong learners.


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