Future Juniors and Seniors:
To sign up for a Dual Credit class for the following school year you must complete all steps by June 1st!
Step 1: Sign up for the class in Skyward with an SSHS advisor. This step enrolls you in the class for high school credit.
Step 2: Apply for admission with PJC. Use the link to the right. This step enrolls you in the college. Be sure to save your user name/password/ID#.
Step 3: Complete the Dual Credit Registration Enrollment Form and return to Mrs. Harred. This step enrolls you in the classes you want to take and must be completed every semester. The form can be printed from the link to the right or pick up one from Mrs. Harred. You will need your PJC ID# for this form.
Step 4: Optional - If you want to apply for a scholarship, see Mrs. Harred. If not, please understand that each class will cost about $180 per semester.